Returns & Refund Policy

Returns & Refund Policy

  1. Client has the right to withdraw from the agreement – without providing the reason, return to the Service Provider (as the party which receives money from the client) received goods within 14 calendar days after receiving them and get a full refund. This right can only be used by a client who is a natural person. This right does not apply to legal persons.
  2. If Client chooses to exercise his right to withdraw from the agreement, Client the costs of returning the product(s) to the Service Provider shall be borne by the client.
  3. In order to exercise his right to withdraw from the agreement, the client must send Service Provider a free-form request stating that the client decided to withdraw from the agreement
  4.  Upon receipt of such request Service Provider will immediately, but not later than within 5 working days, send a confirmation notice of receipt of such request.
  5. The goods must be returned to the address given by our Support. Contact our support via email: Service Provider will additionally inform the client to which address he needs to return received goods.
  6.  Client, without undue delay and within 14 (fourteen) calendar days after noticing Service Provider about withdrawing from the agreement, must send or return in other way the received goods to the Service Provider. If client chooses to send (by mail, courier, etc.) the received goods to the Service provider, it will not be considered that client missed the term of 14 (fourteen) calendar days if he sends them within this term (regardless that Service provider will receive goods after this term).
  7. Client can exercise his right to withdraw from the agreement only if the term of 14 (fourteen) calendar days (after receiving the goods), provided in paragraph 6.1 of these T&C have not been missed. Service Provider has the right to provide evidence proving the date of receipt of goods.
  8.  Client, who exercised his right to withdraw from the agreement, is fully refunded, including delivery fees (if they were paid by the Client).
  9. Service Provider has the right not to refund client until examination of returned goods quality are done. Service provider examines the quality of the goods and refunds client within 14 calendar days after receiving returned goods.
  10. Client will be held responsible for depreciation of the goods, resulting from actions not necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods. That means that Service Provider has the right unilaterally reduce the amount returned to the Client in proportion to the determined decrease in the value of the goods. Service Provider informs Client about identified depreciation of the goods and allows Client to take back the goods at his own expense.
  11. If client received any gifts with the goods, he must return them to the Service Provider, when exercising his right to withdraw from the agreement. If Client would not return them, that would be considered as depreciation of the goods.
  12. Client, at all cases, has all the rights related to the receival of substandard quality goods, that are provided by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
  13. Client (natural and legal person) has the right to return goods and receive a refund due to lack of quality. In such case, Client informs Service Provider about such return by filling in a free-form request . Service Provider reimburses the cost of returning goods. Service Provider may not reimburse the cost of returning the goods if the client chooses a return method other than that offered by the Service Provider and as a result the return costs have increased disproportionately
  14.  Client, who received substandard goods, can choose one of these claims:
    1. demand from the Service Provider to eliminate defects of the product free of charge (repair the product);
    2. demand from the Service Provider to exchange the goods of the substandard quality for the same or corresponding product of the appropriate quality, free of charge;
    3. demand from the Service Provider to reduce the price – to receive a partial refund;
    4. to terminate the agreement unilaterally and demand a full refund (in such case, received goods are returned to the Service Provider).
  15.  Upon return of the goods, the amounts to be returned to the client (depending on the choice of the client’s claim) shall be returned to the client’s bank account. Client shall provide the number of bank account into which he/she wants to receive a refund.
  16. If client chooses to return a defective (substandard quality) goods and demand a refund from the Service Provider, the delivery fee (if it was paid by the client) will be refunded in this order:
    1. If client ordered one product and it is of substandard quality (defective), delivery fee shall be fully refunded to the client;
    2. If client ordered more than one product and all of them are of substandard quality (defective), delivery fee shall be fully refunded to the client;
    3. If client ordered more than one product and not all of them are of substandard quality (defective), delivery fee will be refunded proportionally to the difference between number of products ordered and the number of defective products;
    4. If client was able to choose delivery method and he chose not the cheapest standard delivery method, delivery fee will not be refunded to the client.