3 Signs Of A Healthy Dog. Look after your dog's health and safety

3 Signs Of A Healthy Dog. Look after your dog's health and safety

It used to be that dog pet owners only took serious notice of their pet’s hygiene, health and safety during dog pregnancy. But we now know that we should be aware of our dog’s health from puppy to mommy.

Here below are the 3 easy to uncover signs of whether your dog is healthy (or not!).

Healthy Dog Gums

When was the last time you examined your dog’s gums? If it’s been a while, or you’ve never done so before, you’re not alone.

Many pet owners have never inspected their dogs’ mouths up close. It will also be better for you and your pet dog to know what good and unhealthy gums look like.

Healthy Dog Gums should be salmon pink in colour, and moist to the touch. Healthy dog gums shouldn’t feel spongy or mushy, but they shouldn’t be so firm and pliable, that your fingers can bounce on them either.

If these are the traits you’ll notice, then rest assured your pet has healthy dog gums. Unhealthy dog gums, on the other hand, indicators too.


5 Dog Gum Colours To Be Concerned About

    1. Pale pink dog gum colour – Might indicate anemia or circulation problems.

    1. Blue or purple dog gum colour – Suggest a lack of oxygen owing to issues such as heart disease or airway obstruction.

    1. Yellow dog gums colour – this gum colour is associated with jaundice. A liver disease that is a major concern for your dog’s health and safety.

  1. Bright red dog gum colour – Infection and/or fever are the probable causes of this dog gum colour.

If you happen to notice these gum colours it may be time to visit your dog’s veterinarian for a detailed checkup.

Maintaining Healthy Dog Gums

  • Dog dental treats are effective and fun and a way to help reduce your pet dog’s tartar and plaque buildup.


  • Provide safe, Soft Dog Chew Toys that allow the dog’s teeth to be cleaned by the natural process of chewing.


  • Oral professional cleaners such as a veterinary dentist are a good investment for your pet’s overall Canine wellness

    Fresh Dog Breath

    As a dog owner, there’s nothing like the smell of fresh dog breath! A healthy dog would more often than not, have a sweet-smelling breath.

    If your dog has icky, rancid dog breath lately and no longer has a fresh dog, it could be a signal that there’s an underlying health problem.

    This could also be an indication that your pet dog may have medical problems in its mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, or organs.

    If you see these signs on your dog’s breath, have your pet examined by a veterinarian to make sure there are no underlying medical issues that may be the cause of their bad breath.

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